japanese commercial (24 twenty four)

>> Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My boyfriend and I are into 24 new season 7 lately. We try hard to manage to sit in front of TV at 9pm on Monday for this.

This is One of things I feel thankful for being here! being able to understand English.

Few years ago, I was watching 24 with Japanese subtitle and had to wait sometimes to watch next ones until they got subtitles on. I think that If you ask Japanese why you study English, most of time, they answer you that they want to enjoy movies, songs, books in English.

I found a quick-eat food commercial that was on Japanese TV some yeas ago. Jack Bauer hurried on a train fulled with high school students. What are you doing there, Jack?

He is answering "YES!!" to the girls saying "this is delicious", "I love jelly one" and answers at the last "NO!!" to the girls saying "Why don't we eat it here?" ('cause eating on a train is bad manner)


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