Even George Lucas loves japanese nerdy illustration?

>> Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Geek industry is huge in japan and it has still potential of growth. No wander, even in unrelated fields, people try to take advantage by using "Moe". (What dose "Moe" mean? that is one of very hard Japanese words to describe, let me put the reference link here Moe (slang) - Wikipedia)

Akita Komachi - that is a well-known rice brand. the package is normally like the picture bellow. It has very traditional, classic design on it.

but last year, Maybe the makers got out of mind, they made the special package for the rice, designed by the illustrator who is popular among geeks. (sounds like because his pictures are mostly sexual). You can see the package bellow. And believe or not, they sold lots of the rice with the Moe designed package.

More surprisingly, (that is why I am writing this post) George Lucas offered the illustrator for Star Wars Memorial Portfolio which involves a hundred famous illustrators form all over the world. He was picked by George Lucas him self and suppose to draw Moe pictures of Star Wars, he said in his blog. it sounds like they're making the portfolio is not announced officially yet.

Reference Sankei MSN News (Japanese)


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